Galapagos Videos John's Photo Gallery

Galapagos Videos

This web page contains a series of short videos that were taken near the end of our trip. The initial video was in Tortuga Bay using my Nikon D5200 camera, while the balance were taken by Vladimir using his GoPro underwater camera. Vladimir was a guide on the tour boat when we went to Los Tuneles and he gave a copy of the videos to the four of us, after the tour.

Blue Footed Boobies

Blue Footed Boobies

This video was taken in Tortuga Bay while our boat was bouncing up and down in the waves.



The seahorse is curled around some sticks on the bottom. There are also a few fish that were rooting around the bottom.


Tiger Snake Eel and fish

Vladimir followed this tiger snake eel around the bottom. There are some fish that I couldn't identify in the immediate area.


Golden Rays

Vladimir is following a school of golden rays as they swim around the lagoon.

More Golden Rays

Kfir with the Golden Rays

Kfir is swimming along beside the school of golden rays. This video has a closer look at some of the rays.

Whitetip Reef Sharks

Whitetip Reef Sharks

Vladimir swam into a cave that was just below the surface to view these sharks swimming around. He told us that they were not aggressive towards swimmers, but we were pretty cautious.

Following a Whitetip Reef Shark

Following a Whitetip Reef Shark

Vladimir follows one reef shark around and it passes several schools of fish, then goes into a cave. Other sharks sitting near the bottom of the cave.

Galapagos Penguin

Galapagos Penguin

A Galapagos penguin sits on the lava by the water, preening itself. In the lasy second, Kfir pops up behind the lava rock.

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