John's Photo Gallery


It was a cool and rainy day ... (Did you know that Ketchican gets over 300 days of rain a year? Kind of like an inverted Phoenix!) Ketchican was our first port on this cruise, and this is the first view that we saw from our balcony (left and right). The haze in the distance is the result of the grey, rainy weather.

Wynn, Carol and John

We took a taxi to create our own shore excursion. The shots on the left and right are from inside the carving room at the Saxman Native Village, where the natives do their work. It looked like a make-to-order totem factory.

The shots below are from the grounds and reflect some of the totems on display and the buildings.

The dogs had just finished taking a leak on one of the totems but our fearless photographer was a little bit slow in capturing the evidence.

After the totem park, we went on to the Totem Heritage Center. There was a mob of tourists waiting to get in (a bus had just arrived), so we decided to take a side trip to see the Deer Mountain Tribal Hatchery and Eagle Center that was about 100 yards away. It was pretty sparse ... just two eagles looking wet and lost and some ponds where the fish grow. Because it was raining, the "guide" tried to talk us into an indoor film on the hatchery but we didn't think that was a good idea (we could have sat through a film at home). So we stood outside and got wet (it was too wet for picture taking). These two shots show the lonely eagles and Carol, Wynn and Sharon escaping. GUIDE friends should take special note of the Solutions Fair umbrellas used by Carol and Sharon.

The rest of our day was spent browsing around the town. The drizzle kept us from taking more pictures.