John's Photo Gallery

British Columbia, September 23 to October 7, 2005

We planned this trip to happen when the Toronto golf season was winding down, before it got too cold or wet in British Columbia. Turns out our timing wasn't that great because it was cooler and wetter in BC than we anticipated. We didn't get to wear our shorts, but fortunately we only had one golf game rained out.

We started in Vancouver, drove up the coastal highway, taking two ferries on the "Sunshine Coast" to Powell River, then across to Comox on a 3rd ferry (where we stayed in Mt. Washington), then down the Island to Victoria and finally taking our 4th ferry, back to Vancouver.

I think the locals call it the "Sunshine Coast" to fool us folks from the east. Whenever I commented on the wet weather on the way up, everyone agreed that it was always a problem!

We visited with several sets of friends and relatives on this trip, and their pictures are organized chronologically on the following pages:

Chris Haight
Donna and John
Terry and Jenny
Mount Washington
Eleanor and Andy
Butterfly Gardens
Other images & scenery